Compliments and Complaints

Vivid encourages individuals to raise, in confidence and without fear of retribution, complaints – as well as compliments and other feedback they have about Vivid.

Feedback form

Compliments and Complaints Policy

Compliments and Complaints Policy (Easy English)


Emergency Management

Vivid ensures measures are in place to enable continuity of supports that are critical to the safety, health and wellbeing of each participant and employees before, during and after an emergency or disaster.

Emergency Policy

Annual General Meeting

The Annual General Meeting (AGM) is a key annual event where detailed information is presented regarding Vivid’s performance.

Key activity and financial documents are available here:

Minutes of AGM 2023

Annual Report 2023/24

Financial Statements 2023/234

Programs of Support – Frequently Asked Questions

Group based supports are supports delivered in a group setting either from a Vivid site or in the community.

A Program of Support (PoS) requires that group based supports are designed to meet the individual goals and aspirations of participants within that group based setting.

PoS – Frequently Asked Questions

About the NDIS

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) gives people with disability choice and control about how they want to live their life.

Vivid is a registered provider of the NDIS and has successfully transitioned to the scheme in the Loddon & Mallee regions.

Vivid is a TTP provider and charges services in accordance with TTP pricing found in the NDIS Price Guide.

Watch the below video from the NDIS for an introduction to the Scheme.

Frequently Asked Questions
What is the NDIS?

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is a new way of providing support for eligible people with permanent and significant disability, their families and carers. The NDIS is a national Scheme that was initiated by the Australian Government to Australians with a disability including people with intellectual, physical, sensory and psycho-social disabilities. Approximately 460,000 people accessing the Scheme which has a $22billion investment annually ( a significant increase disability funding under the previous model).

What is the NDIA?

The National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) is an independent statutory agency. Its role is to implement the NDIS.

Am I eligible for the NDIS?

To access the NDIS, you must:

  • live in a NDIS transition area
  • have a permanent disability that:
    • reduces your ability to participate effectively in activities, or perform tasks or actions, unless you have support, and
    • affects your capacity for social and economic participation, and
    • means you are likely to require support under the NDIS for a lifetime.

You must also be:

  • an Australian citizen, or
  • the holder of a permanent visa, or
  • hold a Protected Special Category Visa, and
  • be aged under 65

If you are eligible for the NDIS, and it becomes available in your area, you will be contacted by a representative from the NDIS. They will advise you on how to demonstrate that you are eligible, and will also help you through the NDIS planning process.

What is a Local Area Coordinator?

Local Area Coordinators (LACs) have various roles in the NDIS. Their main aim is to help better include people with disability within the community. LACs will assist people with disability in the community by:

  • Linking people with disability to providers of supports
  • Building the capacity of individuals and their carers
  • Building the capacity of community organisations to understand and meet the needs of people with disability
  • Helping people access the NDIS, as well as helping them plan and access their supports.
Who is the Local Area Coordinator in the Loddon region?

The LAC in Loddon is Intereach.

Who is the Local Area Coordinator in the Mallee region?

The LAC in the Mallee is Intereach.

When is the NDIS coming to my area?

The NDIS has commenced in the Loddon and Mallee regions.

If you live outside these regions, click here to see when the NDIS will become available in your area.

What does ‘reasonable and necessary’ mean?

The NDIS will fund ‘reasonable and necessary’ supports that help you achieve your goals. In order to be considered reasonable and necessary, a support must:

  • be related to your disability
  • not include day-to-day living costs that are not related to your disability support needs
  • represent value for money
  • be likely to be effective and beneficial to you, and
  • take into account informal supports given to you by your family, carers, networks, and the community.
Who do I contact at Vivid to help me navigate the NDIS?

You can contact Meaghan Broom, Vivid’s Connections Manager, to answer any of your questions. Phone Meaghan on 54806611 or email [email protected]

What is SLES?

SLES stands for School Leaver Employment Support and is a new support offered as part of the NDIS. SLES offers you individualised support for up to two years after finishing year 12 to help get you ready for work and plan your pathway to employment. Your SLES plan will be tailored to meet your individual employment goal within our Vivid Work Crew sites. Click here to learn more about Vivid and SLES.

What is the new TTP (Temporary Transformation Payment) for NDIS Service Providers?

A TTP is a Temporary Transition Payment. This payment is available to providers of attendant care and community access. This is a conditional loading to help providers with any costs transitioning to the NDIS.

What is a Plan?

If you are eligible for the NDIS you will then go through a process which will result in your first Plan.

Can you explain the planning process?

The planning process will involve NDIA staff, you and the other people (such as a family member and/or Disability Service Providers) who can advocate for you to ensure that you receive, in your Plan, funding for the supports you need.

What is a Plan Review?

If you are not happy with your Plan, you can ask for it to be reviewed. If you are happy with your Plan, you will be contacted 90 days prior to your plan ending to arrange for a Plan Review.

What do I need for my Plan Review?

You can work with your Support Coordinator or your LAC to set up another meeting and submit a review application.

What is the average turnaround time for a Plan Review decision?

Currently decisions are being made within a couple of weeks.

What are your Terms of Business and where do I find them?

Vivid’s Terms of Business can be found on our website in the footer on each page.

Where do I find the NDIS Price Guide?

You can find a link to the NDIS Price Guide at the top of this web page or you can click here to open it directly.

What is Supported Independent Living (SIL)?

Supported Independent Living (or SIL) refers to help with or supervision of daily tasks that aim to develop an individual’s skills and encourage them to live as independently as possible. If you have a disability and are unable to live independently or with your family, SIL gives you the opportunity to receive the support you need in a shared home.

Challenge Community Services’ SIL services provides shared homes with 3 to 5 bedrooms and will look to place clients in accommodation with people who are of a similar age and share similar interests. It’s an opportunity to access the support you need, enjoy independence and make new friends.

People who live in SIL receive daily support with tasks including cleaning, cooking, social and medical needs, banking, grocery shopping, attending appointments, and help with personal care (such as showering and dressing).

What is Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA)?

Specialist Disability Accommodation (or SDA) refers to accommodation for people who require specialist housing solutions that cater for high support needs or extreme functional impairment. SDA refers to the home, apartment or unit an individual would live in. SDA is not funds towards support services, but to the home in which the supports are delivered, the bricks and mortar.

Occupants will either live independently in their home or with others, depending on their unique needs. They will also be able to choose the housing solutions appropriate for their individual circumstances.

Funding through NDIS is only available to a small proportion of participants with very high support needs who meet specific eligibility criteria. SDA funding is intended to cover any disability-related housing expenses that are above the ordinary costs of housing and does not refer to person-to-person support services.

What is the difference between SIL and SDA?

One of the supports that may be funded for some participants who have an extreme functional impairment or very high support needs is SDA. This refers to the specialist housing solution that they can access that also assists them in receiving the services that cater to their high support needs. SDA accommodation may be specifically designed for people with high needs or be located in an area that makes it feasible for them to access complex or costly supports that help them to live independently.

On the other hand, SIL refers to the onsite supports and daily living services that help develop the skills of individuals to live as autonomously as possible.

If you require both high needs accommodation and daily living support, SDA and SIL will be funded separately in your plan. This gives you more choice, because you can reside in accommodation suited to your needs and access the supports of your choice.

Having the funding separated means that you can change your support services without moving from your SDA funded accommodation. If you do choose to move, you will need to reapply for your SDA funding.

How do I make a complaint to the NDIS?

You can make a complaint about the quality and safety of your NDIS services.

Complaint means you are not happy about something.

Complaints can be made by calling 1800 035 544 on online via the NDIS website.